緻謝(xiè) - Sequence Manipulation Suite

*序列操作(zuò)套件是由加拿大(dà)阿爾伯塔大(dà)學教授Paul Stothard編寫.

*感謝(xiè) to: Eric Martz (University of Massachusetts), Morris Maduro (University of California, Riverside), Isaac Mehl (University of California, San Diego), Andreas Gille (University of Heidelberg), Mauricio Rios-Momberg (Instituto de Fisiologia Celular), Hiroki Morizono (Children's National Medical Center), Elizabeth Krusz (University of Michigan), Michael Robbins (Penn State), Grant Zane (University of Missouri), Jaime Renart (Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas), Frank Zhao (Duke University), Erik Bongcam-Rudloff (The Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics), Daniel Darvish (HIBM Research Group), Hope Hart (Syngenta Biotechnology Inc.), Andrs Pinzn (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Alexandru Tudor Constantinescu (Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics), Peter Kuhlman (Denison University), Renyuan Bai (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), Harley King (Myriad Genetics), Shaul Lapidot, Petra Louis (Rowett Research Institute), Qilong Mao (Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute), Amanda Schierz (University of Wales), Roshan Shrestha (Michigan State University), Andrew Flaus (National University of Ireland), Alexandra Kienast, Marcia Su (University of Alberta), Shawn Flynn (University of Arkansas), Elice Kim (University of Washington), Ed Siefker (Creighton University), Jerrold Davis (Cornell University), Balazs Melikant (Intercell AG), Kostya Stepanyuk, Andrew Chess (Harvard Medical School), Sion Williams (Lois Pope LIFE Center), Anders Ohrn (Zymeworks Inc.), Marcelo Stockle (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile), Andrea Paparini (Murdoch University), Janis Shampay (Reed College), Ben Horst (University of California, Berkeley).